Our professional competencies
to serve your activity

Since Beauseigneur was created, we keep developing our know-how in a variety of activity areas, in order to respond to all of your needs.
Discover our sectors


In the food industry, consumers goods are perishable.  Given the risks, Beauseigneur choosed to act in each food industry process, and offers a 360° vision of this activity in order to repond to all your needs and accompany you towards the safety  steps.

This is why we offer a wide range of products for dairy & cheese industries, food & beverage, additives, processing aid, and organic products. We also deliver on hygiene expertise, cleaning, disinfection and storage as per HACCP and ISO 22000 standards.  Our aim is to meet all expectations thanks to our food safety know-how, by offering compliant and non-altered products at all times.  This based on our transparency, efficient logistics and quality salesforce.



By opting for Beauseigneur, you are choosing peace-of-mind by outsourcing the chemical part to our in-house specialists. We also remain at your disposal to benefit of A to Z accompaniment on surface and waste and water treatments. Our product range allows us to meet your expectations according to your industry needs and specifics : bout the supply in jewelry, watchmaking, surface treatment, medical, aviation, space industry, micromechanics, chemical and waste treatment.


Pharmaceutical & personal care

To answer all you needs in this sector, we offer pharma grade base chemicals, from 100 ml to 1000 l sizes, as well as vitamins and excipients. We can also support you with our complete documentation, enriched wth integral traceability and compliant with GDP (Good Distribution Practices) standard.


Chemical industry

 Chemicals are substances being often subject to dangerous effects.This is why we highly recommend us to take over on the chemicals safekeeping, as we own a large storage land for base chemicals (acids, bases, solvents) and specialties. Beauseigneur is rewarded with 90 years (and counting!) of expertise, so be assured you are in safe hands.




Thanks to our numerous transport vehicles, we can safely supply base and specialty chemicals, without geographic restriction. We can also offer express deliveries and troubleshooting services, so you can remain serene with your supplier choice.



Water treatment and collectivities


Sanitation of waste water or rain water makes it more hygienic and healthy. Starting with the evacuation of unhealthy water, then by purification to reduce health risks. Beauseigneur assists you in the management of your WWTP, enabling the depollution of waste water, also into the facilities, and supply of the apprepriate materials.

We carry out the necessary on-site tests, or lab tests, of the adapted treatment solutions. In case of urgent need, we can provide premium delivery service within 24h-48h.


Technical services, training and regulatory


When owning chemicals, it is essential to supply the right equipment and have the complete know-how. This is why we offer the whole package : specific material, regulatory support and on-site training, so you can broaden knowledge and proceed to the essential steps for your safety in this area.

As a matter of fact, the Beauseigneur team accompanies you through the overall chemicals management, from supply to handling and regulations of the premises.


Feed industry

Just like we humans, animals have nutritional needs to keep them healthy and enable their organisms to properly operate. Sufficient and balanced nutrition is essential for their well-being. Here, our ambitions are to respond to all your needs, including the ones of your animals, which is why we also supply ingredients for feed nutrition, as well as proper documentation and a consumption guarantee, to offer them a long and healthy life.